Starbucks Holiday 2021: Caramel Brulee Latte :06
:::::: Role: CG Lead
:::::: Studio: The Mill
:::::: Studio: The Mill
Starbucks Holiday 2021: Iced Sugar Latte :06
:::::: Role: CG Lead
:::::: Studio: The Mill
:::::: Studio: The Mill
Starbucks Holiday 2021: Peppermint Mocha:06
:::::: Role: CG Lead
:::::: Studio: The Mill
:::::: Studio: The Mill
Starbucks Holiday 2021: Variety :06
:::::: Role: CG Lead
:::::: Studio: The Mill
:::::: Studio: The Mill
Starbucks Holiday 2021: Sprinkles Gets Ready To Party :15
:::::: Role: CG Lead
:::::: Studio: The Mill
:::::: Studio: The Mill
Starbucks Holiday 2021: Holiday Road trip :15
:::::: Role: CG Lead
:::::: Studio: The Mill
:::::: Studio: The Mill
Starbucks Holiday 2021: Peppermint Mocha :15
:::::: Role: CG Lead
:::::: Studio: The Mill
:::::: Studio: The Mill
Starbucks Holiday 2021: Snowshoe In The City :15
:::::: Role: CG Lead
:::::: Studio: The Mill
:::::: Studio: The Mill